Benefits of Double Glazing

Benefits of Double-Glazing

While we may not give it much thought, doors and windows aren’t just entrances and airways to our homes. They do in fact serve other purposes, and the type of glass along with the choice of configuration will have an impact on your comfort levels inside your living space.

We’re going to talk a bit about double-glazed windows and doors and why installing them should be the next thing on your home reno to-do list!

What is Double-Glazing?

Double-glazing is simply described as your aluminium window and door frames being fitted with two layers of glass instead of one (single glazed). This is also known as an Insulated Glass Unit or IGU with what is called a spacer in between the two panes of glass – usually either made of polymer or metal. Spacers also feature a drying agent to stop moisture from accumulating inside the gap.

The frames are often made a little wider to fit the double panes and argon gas is also added to enhance insulation. Obviously two panes of glass are better than one, as the outside layer takes the brunt of the heat and light. This way, once it passes through the inside layer and into your home, you’re left with a much more comfortable room temperature.

The most popular selection for double-glazed glass is broken down to two 4mm panes with a 12mm spacer or air gap in between. Inside layers can also be replaced by high performance Low E panes for added protection and efficiency, however regardless of the glass grade, a minimum of a 12mm gap is always recommended for best thermal-related results.

How will it benefit me?

Double-glazed windows and doors are designed for efficiency and boast a range of economical value. These will benefit your home in a few different ways by:

  • Improving energy efficiency – the extra insulated layer helps keep your home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. While it’s a common misconception that it’s only effective in cold climates, this is just simply not the case.
  • Reducing noise coming from the outside – absorbs significantly more sound energy.
  • Reducing condensation – assists with eliminating mould build up.
  • Making your home more secure – more difficult to break.
  • Increasing your overall comfort level – lets enough natural light in whilst blocking a percentage of UV rays and keeping your home at the perfect temperature.

If saving money on your energy bills is a priority, then it’s worth the little extra upfront cost of upgrading to minimise the use of heating and air conditioning throughout the year. It’s estimated that double-glazed windows and doors can save you up to 20% on your overall energy costs.

Contact us to discuss specific options or preferences.

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Benefits of Double Glazing

Benefits of Double-Glazing While we may not give it much thought, doors and windows aren’t just entrances and airways to our homes. They do in

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